Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Surrenered Books by Laura Doyle

Okay, this one is always a little hard to talk about because most women I know (myself included) are likely to have a knee-jerk reaction to the titles of Laura Doyle's books, in particular, The Surrendered Wife. But trust me, if you can open up enough to hear her message then you'll find incredibly valuable information in these pages. I first got passed a copy of The Surrendered Single by my mom (who I believe had gotten it from my sister) and it was great, gave me confidence and an understanding about the differences between men and women in the context of the dating world. I swear to you, and those of you who know me understand what this means, soon after I read that book I met Morgan. But really, you've got to be able to see past the flowery cover designs and the self-helpy language and for some of you the hardest part, the god talk.
The Surrendered Wife is even better. That book helped me so much. It was a real eye-opener about how some of the things I did which I felt were being helpful were really ways of trying to be in control. This book is great for women in any kind of relationship with a man, not just marriage (in fact, the first time I read it I had a male roommate and I applied a lot of what I learned resulting in a wonderful living situation).

Both these books are great if you're open to receiving their messages. My advice is to take what you like and leave the rest. I've reccomended one of these two titles to just about every woman I know, I really do think they're great.

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